您现在的位置:建筑结构>> 期 刊>> 2013年>> 第12期>>正文内容
摘 要


 (1 北京市建筑工程研究院有限责任公司, 北京 100039 2 清华大学土木工程系, 北京 100084)
[关键词]索穹顶; 施工监测; 应力; 位移; 索力
Research on construction monitoring for cable dome of Coal Trading Center of China
Liu Zhansheng12, Xu Ruilong1, Wu Xiaofeng1
 (1 Beijing Building Construction Research Institute, Co., Ltd., Beijing 100039, China;
2 School of Civil Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China)
Abstract:It is necessary to conduct realtime monitoring of the construction process for cable domes and prestressed structures in order to ensure the right forming and reasonable stress. Taking cable dome of Coal Trading Center of China as an example, the constitution of monitoring system and the methods and contents of the monitoring were presented in detail. The analysis of the monitoring data of the stress, displacement and cable force shows that the structure was correspond with the design so that it could be put into use.
Keywords:cable dome; construction monitoring; stress; displacement; cable force
*北京市博士后工作经费资助项目(2012ZZ\|107), 北京市科技新星计划(Z121106002512099)。
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