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(中国建筑科学研究院, 北京 100013)
[关键词]温室结构; 单层空间结构; 钢结构; 铝合金结构; ETFE气枕; 玻璃屋面
中图分类号:TU391, TU395文献标识码:A文章编号:1002848X(2013)06000505
Design research on greenhouse roof structure of botanical garden in Erdos Dongsheng District
Ma Ming, Qian Jihong, Kong Hui, Zhu Limin, Song Tao
(China Academy of Building Research, Beijing 100013, China)
Abstract:Large span space structure is adopted in the greenhouse roof structure of botanical garden in Erdos Dongsheng District. Free form surface is used in the roof modeling. Considering the special feature of the greenhouse, and based on the analysis of some domestic and overseas representative structures, the structure style which is suitable for the greenhouse in Erdos Dongsheng District was studied. Mechanical behavior comparison between the single\|layer structure system and double\|layer structure system was performed, and the single layer roof structure system is finally adopted. Considering the construction difficulty, various comparisons between the steel structure and aluminum structure were performed, such as the comparisons on the mechanical behavior, joint construction, construction difficulty, construction speed and economical efficiency. Based on the results of the comparisons, aluminum structure is adopted for the greenhouse. Techniqueeconomics comparisons were also performed between the ETFE cushion and glass roof, and glass roof is finally adopted. Design on the roof structure was introduced.
Keywords:greenhouse structure; single layer space structure; steel structure; aluminum structure; ETFE cushion; glass roof
作者简介:马明,高级工程师,一级注册结构工程师,Email: maming@cabrtech.com。
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