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文 勇
摘 要

   文  勇
   (中国建筑设计研究院上海分院,上海 200120)

[摘要] 某已建两栋商业楼,均为钢筋混凝土框架结构。由于使用功能的变化,改变原有结构布置并采取加固措施。结合工程实际,分别针对不同构件,介绍了加固前结构承载力验算、加固部位和后期抗震加固方法,并给出了施工过程中应注意的一些问题。涉及基础处理、柱、梁及板的综合抗震加固措施,具有一定的实用典型性。
[关键词] 改造加固;框架结构;抗震加固方法;加固措施
中图分类号:TU318    文献标识码:A  文章编号:1002-848X(2012) Sl-0562-04

Renovation and strengtherung of a commercial building project
Wen Yong
( China Architecture Design &Research Group( Shanghai),  Shanghai 200120,  China)

Abstract: The commercial buildings are RC frame structures. Due to the use of functional changing to the original structure, modification and reinforcement measures must be taken. The structural checking computation of bearing capacity before strengthening, reinforcing positions and later seismic reinforcement method according to different component in actual construction were introduced.  Suggestions that engineer should pay attention to in the construction were given. The measures about the foundation treatments, columns, beams and plates of the comprehensive seismic reinforcement measures have a certain practical typical.
Keywords: renovation and strengthening; frame structure; seismic reinforcement method; reinforcement measure



