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摘 要
(浙江省建筑设计研究院,杭州 310006)
摘要]玉林市第一人民医院设二层地下室, 基坑开挖深度10.~12.m,地处西南岩溶发育地区。通过对场地溶洞发育情况进行分类,针对溶洞具体分布情况,采取冲孔桩、挖孔桩、钢套筒护壁、洞顶板小口径短钢桩支撑等不同的处理措施,布置桩基与浅基础结合的组合基础。工程的设计为对山区的溶洞处理积累了经验。医院主楼呈“T”形,结合竖向交通体系分散布置多个核心筒,多筒之间采用普通框架连接,有效控制结构扭转;在多遇地震下设计反应谱取规范反应谱和安评反应谱的包络谱进行设计,以避免结构周期较长时安评反应谱的不安全因素。
中图分类号:TU 246-181文献标识码:A文章编号:1002-848X(2012)08-0078-06
Foundation and structure design of Yulin First People's Hospital
Shentu Jianjun, Zhu Wenwei, Zhang Nan
(Zhejiang Province Architectural Design and Research Institute, Hangzhou 310006, China)
Abstract: Yulin First People's Hospital with two-story basement is located in karst development of south-west China. The depth of foundation pit was between 10.m to 12.m. According to the karst development characters and distribution, punch filling pile, dug pile, steel short-column support system under rock roof and steel sleeve protection were taken in arrangement of pile foundation and spread foundation. It provides the experience for dealing with the foundation in karst area. The building shows T-shape. Distribution of corewalls are combined with vertical traffic system. Corewalls are connented by frame structure. The torsion can be control effectively. To avoid the unsafety factors in long period earthquake, the envelope spectrum between code earthquake response spectrum and safety evaluation response spectrum was taken in design.
Keywords: karst area; punch filling pile; dug pile; steel short-column support system; safety evaluation
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