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刘建涛1, 尤天直1, 肖 明2
摘 要

  刘建涛1,  尤天直1,  肖  明2
  (1 中国建筑设计研究院,北京 100044; 2 中国建筑标准设计研究院,北京 100048)

[摘要]  南京新华日报报业集团河西新闻传媒中心主楼为高度为155m的超高层建筑,采用现浇钢筋混凝土框架.剪力墙结构体系,采取适当的措施,解决了楼板大开洞、大跨梁、核心筒位于结构两侧等工程设计中的难点。在结构抗震设计中,进行了小震、中震、大震的分析,分别制定不同的抗震设防性能目标和相应的构造措施。
[关键词]  超限高层;抗震设计;构造措施
中图分类号:TU318    文献标识码:A  文章编号:1002-848X(2012) Sl-0037-06

Seismic design of main building of Nanjing Xinhua Daily Press Group Media Center at Hexi
Liu Jiantao1, You Tianzhi1, Xiao Ming2
(1 China Architecture Design and Research Group, Beijing 100044, China;  2 Cluna Institute of Building Standard Design&Research, Beijing 100048, China)

Abstract: Nanjing Xinhua Daily Press Group Media Center is a 155m high-rise building.  The RC frame-shear wall system is adopted. Some measures are applied to deal with the difficult problems such as large opening on slabs,large span beam, RC shear wall located at both end of the structure.  During the seismic design, different analysis was performed with small, middle and large earthquake force. Different seismic performance target and details of seismic design were used.
Keywords: super Iugh-rise building; seismic design; details measure



