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陆 勇
摘 要

  陆  勇    (爱丁堡大学工程学院,爱丁堡,英国)

[摘要]  多层框架结构的抗震设计是结构抗震领域的传统课题。基于功能设计的发展趋势对多层框架结构的设计分析方法提出了许多新的要求。笔者所在研究组针对相关问题进行了一系列的研究。介绍其中一部分工作及总体分析方法,并对所涉及的关键问题作简要讨论。
[关键词]  多层框架结构;钢筋混凝土;地震响应;基于功能的设计
中图分类号:TU375.4    文献标识码:A    文章编号:1002-848X(2012) Sl-0025-06

Analysis on seismic performance of multi-storey RC frames: some recent studies
Yong Lu
(Institute for Infrastructure and Environment, School of Engineering, The University of Edinburgh)

Abstract: It is generally known that the seisrmc response of a multi-storey reinforced concrete frame is dependent upon the strength, stiffness, as well as the ductility or energy dissipation characteristics of individual storeys and their relative distribution over the frame height. However, quantitative correlation between the structural responses( chiefly the inter-storey drift and the cumulative damage) and the inherent strength, stiffness and ductility parameters is difficult to establish in a simple and yet rigorous form for design applications. This paper provides an overview of a series of studies that have been aimed at understanding the vertical irregularity in aframe structure and its effect on the seisnuc response of the overall system as well as at critical storeys. Extensive experimental and numerical studies are discussed in light of the vanous irregularity profiles involved. The development of a storey-capacity factor involving both strength and stiffness parameters are then described and its effectiveness in correlating with the inter-storey drift (in statistics terms) is discussed.
Keywords: multi-storey frame structure; reinforced concrete; seisnuc response; performance based design



