您现在的位置:建筑结构>> 期 刊>> 1996年>> 第12期>>正文内容
朱彦鹏 王秀丽
摘 要

  朱彦鹏  王秀丽
  (甘肃工业大学建筑工程系  兰州 730050)

[提要]  同时选取平板网架的高度、网格数及杆件截面面积、结点体积作为设计变量,以网架的总造价最低为目标函数,按新规范要求对网架的外形及杆件截面面积、结点体积进行综合优化设计,并考虑了竖向及水平地震作用,提出了网架抗震设计的建议。内力分析采用空间桁架位移法,优化方法采用直接试验法的网格法和广义满应力准则法相结合的方法,并编制了SPCOD( FOR-TRAN 77)程序,在Sun75GX工作站上实现。该法与传统设计相比,可节约造价10%左右。
[关键词]  平板网架 数学模型 空间桁架位移法 综合优化设计 优化程序

The Height, the number of network and the cross-section of the bar for the space truss structure are taken as the design variables; and the total cost of the truss structure is taken as the objective function. According to the new "truss structure cord", the comprehensive optimum design method of the shape and cross- section for the space truss structure is adopted; the horizantal and vertical earthquake load is considered. The finite element method is used for the space truss structures; the organic combination of the direct searching and criteria method is adopted as the optimum method; and the "SPCOD" is programmed for the optimum design of the space truss structure.
Keywords: slab-space truss; mathematical mode; optimization; program



