您现在的位置:建筑结构>> 期 刊>> 1996年>> 第10期>>正文内容
何 玉 昆
摘 要

  何  玉  昆
  (云南省曲靖市设计院  655000)

[提要]  大直径挖扎扩底墩基础在高层建筑或一般的工业与民用建筑中已得到广泛应用,但其设计计算方法目前国内尚无统一规程,本文就作者近几年所设计的挖孔墩基础,参考国内外一些同类基础的设计理论和方法,对大直径挖孔扩底墩基础的设计和应用问题进行分析探讨。
[关键词]  挖孔墩 设计 应用

The man-dug caisson foundation with belled-out piles of large diameters have been brought into wide use in the field of high-rise building or industrial and civil building in China. Yet the method of design and calculation hasn't been made rules for it. Based on the experience of recent years at home and abroad, this paper presents analysis and survey about design and application of the man-dug caisson of foundation with belled-out piles of large diameters.
Keywords: man-dug caisson foundation; design; application



