您现在的位置:建筑结构>> 期 刊>> 1996年>> 第10期>>正文内容
单玉川 陈贤麟
摘 要

  单玉川  陈贤麟
  (浙江工业大学建筑设计研究院 杭州 310014)

[摘要]  本文提出了在软土地基条件下,应用桩土共同作用的原理设计面荷载较大建筑物的简便实用方法。此方法既能有效地控制基础沉降,又能节省大量的投资,可供广大设计人员参考。
[关键词]  软土地基 片筏基础  桩基础 沉降

In this paper, the principle of application of pile-soil interaction on condition of soft foundation, it put forward a simple, convement and practical method designing building that exerted bigger surface loads on. The method can be both efficacious for control of foundation settlements and saveing large amounts investment, and some reference opinions on engineering design are recommended.
Keywords: soft foundation; raft foundation; pile foundation; settlement



