您现在的位置:建筑结构>> 期 刊>> 1996年>> 第06期>>正文内容
摘 要

    (中国建筑科学研究院建筑结构研究所 北京 100013)

[提要]  本文叙述了玻璃幕墙结构抗震和抗风设计方法,主要内容为:幕墙抗震与抗风设计的基本原则;幕墙上作用的荷载和地震、温度作用;玻璃、铝合金的力学性能和强度设计值;玻璃幕墙各构件的承载力计算方法以及幕墙与主体结构的连接构造设计。
[关键词]  玻璃幕墙 结构设计 抗风 地震作用  温度 建筑规范

In this paper, according to《Technical Code for Engineering of Glass Cutain Wall》(1995, PRC), the method for design of glass cutain wall structure has been presented, its main contents are included as follows:
    1. The general principles of wind-resistant and earthquake-resistant design of glass cutain wall;
    2. The design values of wind load, seismic action and temperature action;
    3. The mechanical behavious of materials for glass, aluminium extrusion and sealants;
    4. The design formulae for glass panels, beams, columns and structural sealants;
    5. The design of connections for curtain wall with main structure.
Keywords: glass cutain wall; structure design; building specification; wind resistant; seismic action; temperature



