您现在的位置:建筑结构>> 期 刊>> 1996年>> 第04期>>正文内容
袁 勇 刘亚芹
摘 要

     袁  勇  刘亚芹
    (同济大学 上海 200092)

[提要]  本文讨论钢筋混凝土单排灌注桩为挡土结构的优化设计。采用朗金土压力计算桩的荷载,用等值梁法和矩阵位移法计算桩的内力,并按规范的方法对灌注桩、围檩、内撑进行设计,对各道支撑进行优化定位分析。优化方法采用惩罚函数法。优化的目标函数为整个围护结构的材料耗费。优化设计结果表明通过优化可节约总材料5%左右,对工程设计有一定的参考价值。整个计算由相应的程序完成,程序分为优化、设计、绘图三个部分。程序在HP-386上运行。
[关键词]  灌注桩 基坑围护 结构优化

Reinforced concrete pored piles used as enclosuring structure is discussed with concept of structural optimization in this paper. The load on pile stake is calculated by the Rankine's thoery and the stress of pile is calculated with the method of equipollent beam, and pile, tranverse girber and shoring of trench are design according to the code. The place of each vertical strut is decided by method of optimization and the method we select is penalty function.  Object function is the whole cost of structure material. The final result suggests that the cost of material can reduce approximate 5%. We can obtain some benefits if it is use in practice. The whole process includes three parts:optimization, design and drawing. It has been done in HP-386 computer.
keywords: R.C. pored pile, enclosuring structure; structural optimization



