您现在的位置:建筑结构>> 期 刊>> 1996年>> 第02期>>正文内容
罗 永 坤
摘 要

      罗  永  坤
    (西南交通大学 成都 610031)

[提要]  本文分析了高层框架剪力墙结构中采用异形柱对结构受力特性的影响。采用异形柱加强了结构整体性和总体刚度,减小了结构侧向位移,提高了结构抵抗风荷载和水平地震作用的能力。
[关键词]  高层建筑 框架剪力墙  异形柱

In this paper, the influences of non-rectangular column on the mechanic behaviour of highrise frame-shear wall structure have been studied. Compared to rectangular column highrise frame-shear wall structure, the non-rectangular column highrise frame-shear wall structure has better integrity and rigidity. When non-rectangular column is used in a highrise frame-shear wall structure, it decreases the horizontal displacement of this structure, and increases the capability of this structure standing up to wind force and seismic action.
Keywords: highrise building; frame-shear wall structure, non-rectangular column



