您现在的位置:建筑结构>> 期 刊>> 1997年>> 第11期>>正文内容
龚绍熙 吴承霞
摘 要
     龚绍熙     (上海城市建设学院 200092)
     吴承霞     (郑州建筑专科学校 450007)

[提要]  给出6个承重多孔砖砌体框支墙梁在均布荷载作用下的试验结果。讨论了墙体高跨比、框架梁与柱的线刚度比及框架梁纵向钢筋配筋率对框支墙梁受力性能与承载力的影响。基于4条假定对框支墙梁进行塑性极限分析,给出受弯、受剪承载力计算公式。与试验结果符合良好。
[关键词]  框支墙梁 破坏形态 承载力 塑性分析

The test results on six specimens of the perforated brick masonry walls supported on frame are given. The influence of height - span ratio of walls, beam - column rigid ratio of frame and percentage of longitudinal bars of beam on the behaviour and strength are discussed. The plastic limit analyses for bearing capacity of walls - frame composite structures are carried out based on 4 basic assumptions and the formulas'of their flexural and shear strength, which tally with test results are presented.
Keywords:  walls supported on frame; failure modes;bearing capacity;plastic analysis



