您现在的位置:建筑结构>> 期 刊>> 1997年>> 第04期>>正文内容
何 锋
摘 要

    何   锋
    (福州市自来水总公司  350001)

[提要]  针对软土地基上筏式基础房屋,探讨了水平掏土法纠偏的一些理论性问题。详细分析了挖宽比叭挖深比导和荷载偏心率£对基底应力的影响及其规律,提出了掏土纠偏的设计计算方法,并简要介绍了一个工程实例,可供掏土纠偏设计、施工时参考应用。
[关键词]  纠偏 掏土 筏式基础 软土地基

Some basic problems of rectifying settlement of mat foundation under a building setting on soft clay by drawing-out soils homontally are studied. The influence of width rati0 9,depth ratio£as well as load eccentricity on base pressure and its regulars are expounded. A design method of rectifying settlement is suggested, and an engineering example is briefly introduced, which may be useful for design and working.
Keywords: rectifying settlement; drawing-out soil; raft foundation; soft foundation



