您现在的位置:建筑结构>> 期 刊>> 1997年>> 第02期>>正文内容
邬瑞锋 奚肖凤 蔡贤辉 沈全锋 张前国 陈德高
摘 要
     邬瑞锋  奚肖凤 蔡贤辉  沈全锋   (大连理工大学 116023)
     张前国     (辽宁省建筑设计研究院 沈阳 110005)   
     陈德高     (沈阳市建委 110002)

[提要]  用弹塑性有限元法计算分析了单层和八层墙片在竖向和水平力作用下弹性阶段的应力状态及其极限抗侧承载力。结果表明弯矩对墙体抗侧承载力有很大的影响。在不考虑墙体翼缘作用的条件下,八层墙体的抗侧极限力为相应单层墙体的44%。
[关键词]  砌体墙体 弯曲 抗侧承载力

By using of elasto-plastic finite element method the stress state and limit lateral capacity of the masonry wall of single and eight storeys under vertical and horizontal actions were analyszed. The result showed that the bending moment would had great influence on the limit lateral capacity of the masonry wall. If the effection of the flange walls will not be considered the limit lateral capacity of the masonry wall in eight storeys would has only 44% of the one of the corresponding wall in single storey.
Keywords: masonry wall; bending effect; limit lateral capacity


