您现在的位置:建筑结构>> 期 刊>> 1998年>> 第10期>>正文内容
摘 要

    (冶金部安全环保研究院 武汉 430081)

[提要]  探讨了现存建筑物可靠性评价的极限状态方法,提出荷载水平方法,建立了结构构件可靠性评价的极限状态准则。基于结构失效的机构理论,提出结构体系可靠性评价的“破损机构”方法,以使结构成为“破损机构”或“局部破损机构”的“破损截面”的最高等级作为结构体系可靠性评级。
[关键词]  现存建筑物 可靠性 极限状态 破损机构

Based on the principle of limit state mechanism of structures, a damage mechanism method is put forward to evaluate the reliability levels of the structural system. lf enough amount of damage members are formed in the structural system, which may cause it to become a mechanism or local mechanism,  then it is defined as a damage mechanism or local damage mechanism, and its reliability level is evaluated by the grade of the member.
Keywords: existfng buildings; reliability; limit states; damage mechanism



