您现在的位置:建筑结构>> 期 刊>> 1998年>> 第08期>>正文内容
摘 要

    (北京汇光建筑工程咨询事务所 100088)

[提要]  介绍《门式刚架轻型房屋钢结构技术规程》 (CECS102:98)活荷载和风荷载标准值的制订依据。对单层轻钢房屋的抗震考虑作了简要说明。雪荷载和吊车荷载仍采用我国现行荷载规范的规定,对美国金属房屋制造商协会的规定作了简要介绍。
[关键词]  轻型钢结构  门式刚架 荷载

Some explanations for specified values of live load and wind load for Technical Specjfication for Steel Structure of One-storey Light-weight Buildings with Gabled Frames (CECS102:98) are introduced. A short notes about seismic action in design of such buildings are given. Snow load and crane load remain unchanged,  some difference between Chinese code and MBMA's manual is pointed out.
Keywords: light-weight steel structure; gabled frame; loads



