您现在的位置:建筑结构>> 期 刊>> 1998年>> 第05期>>正文内容
摘 要

    (中环投资开发(集团)有限公司 上海 200063)

[提要]  对上海及台北的数十个深基坑工程实测进行总结分析,探讨墙体的最大水平位移、墙后地表沉降的变化范围、发生位置及二者之间的数值关系,应用各向异性理论分析深基坑抗隆起稳定;根据工程实测结果,探讨各向异性抗隆起稳定安全系数与墙体最大水平位移之间的变化关系,并依照深基坑变形控制标准,制定抗隆起稳定安全系数取值标准。
[关键词]  墙体水平位移 地表沉降 抗隆起稳定 安全系数 控制标准

Based on the analysis of several tens deep excavation casas in Shanghai and Taibei, this paper is to study the characteristics of excavation behavior, including the magnitude and location of maximum lateral wall deflection and maximum ground surface settlement, relationship of maximum lateral wall deflection and maximum ground surface settlement. Applying the anisotropy constitutive theory of soft clay into the analysis of heave-resistant stability for deep excavation, the relationship of safety factor for stability and maximum lateral wall deflection can be achieved. Then, according to the deformation control standard of deep excavation, the evaluating standard of safety factor of heave-resistant stability is drawn up.
Keywords: lateral wall deflection; ground surface settlement; heave-resistant stability; safety factor; control standard



