您现在的位置:建筑结构>> 期 刊>> 1998年>> 第05期>>正文内容
陈京芳 楼金铭
摘 要

      陈京芳    楼金铭
    (中国轻工总会武汉设计院 武汉 430060)

[提要]  某大厦桩基采用大吨位静压预制桩,以其单桩承载力高,加工工期短,质量可靠,取得了良好的经济效益和实用效果。
[关键词]  静压预制桩 设计施工 检测 沉降观测

The piled foundation of a building is composed of big tonnage static pressure precast piles, with the advantages of big bearing capacity of individual pile, short construction term and reliable quality with this technique, a good economic benefit and practical effectiveness have been achieyed.
Keywords: static pressure precast pile; design and construction; testing; settlement observation



