您现在的位置:建筑结构>> 期 刊>> 1998年>> 第05期>>正文内容
杨 清 刘水香
摘 要

    杨  清    刘水香
    (广东省惠阳建筑设计院  惠州 516001)

[提要]  大直径人工挖孔扩底桩具有受力明确,承载力高,施工方便,无噪音,造价低等优点。近几年,在广东省惠州地区的多、高层建筑中得到广泛应用。本文根据国家有关规范(规程),从挖孔扩底桩的优点、设计计算、构造要求等方面进行探讨。
[关键词]  大直径人工挖孔扩底桩 多高层建筑 设计计算 构造

The club-footed piles with man-made hole of large diameter has characters of definite load conditions, high bearing capacity, simple construction, no noise and low expenses etc. It was widely used in multi-story and high-rise buildings of Huizhou area Guangdong province neat several years. Based on the statenorms about it,this paper discusses the characters, design calculation and construction of the piles.
Keywords: club-footed piles; man-made hole; large diameter; multistory and high-rise buildings; design



