您现在的位置:建筑结构>> 期 刊>> 2006年>> 第12期>>正文内容
魏 琏 王志远 王 森 邱 坤 蔡 军
摘 要

(上海魏琏工程结构设计事务所深圳部 深圳 518034)
【提要】 采用两种有限元模型分析了高层框筒结构中,单向梁楼盖在竖向和水平荷载作用下的内力分布特点。讨论了梁端负钢筋过密的问题,建议仅在梁上部配置70%的计算负筋,其余则配置在梁两侧10~15倍梁宽范围的板内。分析了在梁端加腋及在筒体周边设加强带对结构受力的影响,认为梁端加腋对减少在竖向荷载作用下主次梁的跨中挠度有一定作用,但梁端负弯矩反而增大。分析和工程实践表明,筒体角部楼盖有一定的应力集中,常出现早期收缩裂缝,设计时宜适当加厚,增加抗裂网筋。
【关键词】 框筒结构 单向梁楼盖 实体有限元分析 加腋梁 加强带 收缩应力
Study on Several Subjects of Floor System Design with Oneway Beam in Tall Frame corewall Structure/Wei Lian, Wang Zhiyuan, Wang Sen, Qiu Kun, Cai Jun(Shanghai Weilian Structure Design Firm Shenzhen Office Representive, Shenzhen 518034,China)
Abstract:The internal force distribution feature of floor system with oneway beam in tall framecorewall structure under vertical  and horizontal load is analyzed with two finite element models. The problem of too dense negative reinforcements at beam end is discussed, and just 70% calculating negative reinforcements are suggested to be set in the upside of the beam, while the left are suggested to be set in the slab with the width of 10~15 times of the beam's. The influence of horizontally haunched beam on the floor system is of advantage to control the deformation and is of disadvantage to reduce the negative bending moment at beam end. The analysis and engineering practice show that shrinkage stress of the floor concentrate in the corner of the corewall, and the thicker slab and mesh
reinforcement for crack control are suggested in design.
Keywords:framecorewall structure; floor system with oneway beam;solid finite eleme
nt analysis; haunched beam; reinforcing band; shrinkage stress



