您现在的位置:建筑结构>> 期 刊>> 1999年>> 第11期>>正文内容
李豪邦 宋进侪 周兆桐
摘 要

    李豪邦   宋进侪   周兆桐
    (中国建筑东北设计研究院 沈阳 110006)

[提要]  论述了在民用住宅砖混结构中,应以现浇混凝土楼(屋)面板替代预制空心板。同时提出现浇板可做外悬,为做复合保温墙体创造有利条件。
[关键词]  预制空心板 现浇混凝土板 结构性能 节能

Along with the development of economy,science and technology in our country, brick and concrete composite construction has been widely adopted for residential buildings. This paper expounds the reason of substituting cast-in-place concrete floor slabs for precast hollow concrete floor slabs for this kind of construction, and also puts forward an idea that the cast-in-place concrete floor slabs can be made with cantilevers on the exterior walls to create conditions for making compound insulated walls.
Keywords: precast hollow concrete slab; cast-in-place concrete slab; structural behavior; energy saving



