您现在的位置:建筑结构>> 期 刊>> 1999年>> 第10期>>正文内容
摘 要

    (中国建筑科学研究院 北京 100013)

[提要]  概括地介绍了我国混凝土结构技术在建筑领域各方面的主要成就,说明了建国五十年来混凝土结构技术的突飞猛进和日新月异的变化。还对混凝土结构设计理论与设计规范从无到有的发展,作了简要介绍。
[关键词]  混凝土结构 预应力混凝土结构 高性能混凝土 设计理论 设计规范

During the past 50 years, China have gained unprecedented achievements in construction industry. As one of the main structural styles, concrete structures are extensively used in various fields of building and civil engineering, which has made a great contribution to construction of infrastructures in China. Author mainly summarizes the developments of concrete science and technology in our country since 1949, particularly in recent 20 reforming and opening years. The successes of advanced concrete technique applied to high-rise building, long span structure and other large-scale structure are developed. Moreover, the development of design theoriy and Chinese design codes of concrete are briefly explained.
Keywords:  concrete structure; pretressed reinforced concrete structure; high property concrete; design
theory; design specifications



