您现在的位置:建筑结构>> 期 刊>> 1999年>> 第09期>>正文内容
摘 要

    (包头钢铁设计研究院 014010)

[提要]  阪神地震造成神户市10余座多层建筑在中间某一层坍落,其余各层基本完好。作者认为:这种震害是由竖向地震作用造成的,其坍落层发生在竖向地震作用下的最大拉力层或最大压力层。文中采用冲量原理计算竖向地震作用,对震害进行了计算分析。
[关键词]  多层建筑 断层震害 分析

Multi-story buildings damaged due to the failure of an intermediate story were over ten after earthquke in Kobe City. The author's view is that this type of collapse is caused by the vertical earthquke action. The stories collapsed were occured at the ones where the tensile or pressure forces are maximum in those buildings. The principle of impact is adopted to calculate the vertical force, and the reason of the failure of an intermediate story is analyzed.
Keywords: multi-story  bulding; failure; intermediate  story; analysis



