您现在的位置:建筑结构>> 期 刊>> 1999年>> 第07期>>正文内容
沈祖炎 郑沂
摘 要

        沈祖炎  郑沂
    (同济大学 上海 200092)

[提要] 肩梁的刚度对于能否保证多肢柱上下柱之间的刚性连接有很大的影响。作者归纳了常见的多肢柱受力情况,提出了简化计算图式,用来分析为满足上下柱之间刚性连接而对肩梁转动刚度的要求。并提出了计算肩梁转动刚度的方法。
[关键词] 多肢柱 肩梁 刚度

The stiffness of shoulderbeams is important to maintain the integrity of columns. The requirements for
the stiffness of shoulderbeams to keep the stiff connection between the upper and the lower parts of
columns are studied, by simplifying the shoulderbeam as a spring hinge. And a method to compute the stiffness of shoulderbeams is put forward.
Keywords:  shoulderbeam; stiffness; polystyle column



