您现在的位置:建筑结构>> 期 刊>> 2000年>> 第11期>>正文内容
黄宏伟 任 臻 钱 伟
摘 要
        黄宏伟         (同济大学地下系 上海 200092)
        任    臻  钱  伟   (上海黄埔江行人隧道联合发展公司 200122)

[提要]  深基坑围护墙体的侧向位移是基坑开挖与施工中首要控制的变量,也是基坑施工中的关键变量。针对上海市黄浦江行人隧道浦东竖井的基坑开挖,对坑内降水和加固的效果以及墙体侧向位移进行了分析,讨论了不同加固方法对改善和提高坑内土体力学参数的效果,及对墙体位移的影响。
[关键词]  深基坑 加固  侧向位移

The lateral deformation of retaining wall is a very important and key variable in excavation engineering.
Based on the excavation engineering on Pudong shaft in Shanghai Huangpu River pedestrian tunnel, the affection of dewatering and improvement on lateral deformation of retaining wall are studied, and also, the results of improvement of soil behaviors and lateral deformation of retaining wall by using different improvement methods are discussed.
Keywords: deep excavation;improvement;lateral deformation



