- 摘 要
王 腾1 闫宝民2 赵成文3 苑振芳4(1 浙江大学土木系 杭州 310027; 2 总参通信工程设计院 沈阳 110005; 3 沈阳建筑工程学院土木系 110015; 4 中国建筑东北设计研究院 沈阳 110006)[提要] 根据11片砌块剪力墙在单调加载条件下的试验研究,在分析了正压力及剪跨比对墙片抗剪性能的影响的基础上,结合国内外同类课题的试验数据提出了砌块剪力墙抗剪承载力的公式。
[关键词] 砌块剪力墙 抗剪承载力 正压力 剪跨比
The shear resistance of 11 grounted concrete masonry shear walls have been evaluated experimentally to examine the influence of the applied axial stress and the aspect ratio λ. Based on experimental results, a shear formula is proposed, which has a good agreement with the testing results.
Keywords: masonry shear walls; shear resistance,axial stress; aspect ratio