您现在的位置:建筑结构>> 期 刊>> 2000年>> 第10期>>正文内容
高政国 邬瑞锋
摘 要

    高政国    邬瑞锋
    (大连理工大学 大连 116023)

[提要]  介绍了最大位移,能量双重破坏准则,并以此准则和最大位移破坏准则用JC法计算了一幢八层钢筋混凝土,空心砖组合砌体房屋的可靠度。比较分析了两种破坏准则在钢筋混凝土-空心砖组合砌体结构可靠性分析中的差异。在对20道组合砌体墙片试验分析的基础上,分析了滞回包络线面积代表的能量和最大位移对结构破坏描述的差异,得出了对工程有意义的结论。
[关键词]  破坏准则 滞回曲线 钢筋混凝土-空心砖砌体组合墙结构 可靠性分析

A double damage cniterion expressed in terms of maximum deformation and hysteresis energy is introduced. According to tlus criterion and the maximum deformation criterion, the reliability of a 8-storey RC-brick composite masonry building is calculated by JC method. The two damage criteria, which are used in reliability analysis of RGbrick composite masonry system, are compared. Based on the test and analysis of 20 RC-brick composite masonry walls, the relationship between the energy denoted by the area of hysteresis curve and the mtcamum deformation is studied. And a valuable conclusion is drawn.
Keywords: damage criterion;hsteresis curve;RC-brick composite masonry structure;reliability analysis



