您现在的位置:建筑结构>> 期 刊>> 2000年>> 第10期>>正文内容
摘 要

    (浙江大学土木系  杭州 310027)

[提要]  着重分析了《混凝土结构工程施工及验收规范》( GB50204-92)在高强混凝土质量检验和验收中存在的问题。采用匀质性指标(变异系数)分析,提出了高强混凝土质量检验和验收标准,很好地解决了规范中对平均强度要求过高或过低,而最小强度要求又偏低的突出矛盾。既简化了验收标准,又实现了验收标准随着混凝土强度等级提高而同步提高的目标。
[关键词]  质量检验 高强混凝土 混凝土

The problems existing in the qualities checking and acceptance of high strength concrete structure( HSCS) using Code for Construction and Accepance of Concrete Structures (GB50204-92) have been studied. Depending on the analysis of index of ruuformity (coefiicient of variation), the standard of quality checking and acceptance for HSCS has been delivered. The contradiction which consists in the code, exorbitant or lacking average strength requesting, and over-low mirumum strength requesting, has been solved. The acceptance index is simplified and the acceptance standard would be raised with the concrete strength grade rising.
Keywords: quality acceptance; high strength concrete structure; concrete



