- 摘 要
沈蒲生 舒兴平 许君期
(湖南大学土木工程学院 长沙 410082)[提要] 冷轧带肋钢筋预应力混凝土空心板在荷载部分卸除后,裂缝具有很好的闭合性。建议在设计此类板时,将裂缝控制方法由按受拉区拉应力控制改为按裂缝开展宽度控制,并完成了19块冷轧带肋钢筋混凝土空心板的裂缝闭合性能试验,给出了按裂缝开展宽度控制的计算公式。
[关键词] 冷轧带肋钢筋 预应力混凝土 空心板 裂缝开展宽度 控制方法Cracks in prestressed hollow-core slabs reinforced with cold rolled ribbed bars will be well closed after partially unloaded. A control method of crack width is proposed instead of the control method of tensile stress in tensile zone of the slabs when the slabs are designed. 19 prestressed hollow-core slabs reinforced with cold rolled ribbed bars have been tested and calculating formulas of crack width control aregiven.
Keywords: cold rolled ribbed bar; prestressed concrete; hollow-core slab; crack width; control method