- 摘 要
王铁成 康谷贻
(天津大学建筑工程学院 300072)[提要] 简要介绍和分析了日本建筑学会《钢筋混凝土建筑保证延性型抗震设计指南》中采用的斜截面受剪承载力计算模式,就其物理力学意义、特点作了说明。
[关键词] 混凝土结构 规范 抗剪强度 模型The shear strength design equations from the truss-arch model in AU stIuctural design guidelines for reinforced concrete ductility buildings is analyzed, and a systematic exposition for mechanics conceptions and characteristics of the model is introduced.
Keywords: concrete structure; code; shear strength; model