- 摘 要
冯 鹏 叶列平 庄崖屏
(清华大学土木工程系 北京 100084)[提要] 在正在修订的《混凝土结构设计规范》中,混凝土的强度等级扩充到C80。针对现行规范 (GBJ10-89) 中均匀配筋及配置工形型钢的偏心受压构件正截面承载力设计计算公式,对高强混凝土的适用性进行了讨论。
[关键词] 高强混凝土 正截面承载力 等效矩形应力图The concrete grade is extended to C80 in the emending Design Code of Concrete Stmcture. the applicability of the design formulae for eccentrically compressed members of high-strength concrete with uniformly distributed reinforcement or I-shaped steel in the current code (CBJl0-89)is discussed.
Keywords: high-strength concrete; nonnal section strength; equivalent rectangular stress block