- 摘 要
贾金青 赵国藩
(大连理工大学土木系 116024)[提要] 通过对轴向荷载和水平低周反复荷载作用下高强混凝土框架短柱的试验研究,得出了高强混凝土框架短柱抗剪强度的计算公式,计算结果与试验值较为吻合。
[关键词] 高强混凝土 抗剪强度 框架短柱The test research of high-strength concrete frame short column under the axial and homontal load is carried out. The shear strength formula of the high-strength concrete frame short column is obtained through the test.lhe Calculated results are corresponding with that of test results very well.
Keyworks: high-strength concrete; shear strength;frame short column