您现在的位置:建筑结构>> 期 刊>> 2000年>> 第10期>>正文内容
马宏旺 赵国藩
摘 要

      马宏旺   赵国藩
    (大连理工大学土木系  大连 116023)

[提要]  对按现行结构抗震设计规范设计的钢筋混凝土梁进行受弯、受剪可靠度分析,研究了不同荷载比值(地震作用与自重荷载比值)、不同材料强度等级和不同配筋率对梁可靠度的影响。在此基础上,分析了梁“强剪弱弯”设计的可靠性。分析结果表明,按现行规范设计的钢筋混凝土梁“强剪弱弯”设计的可靠性较低,需提高剪切增强系数,来满足设计需要。在分析梁的可靠度时,采用了Monte Carlo随机模拟法。
[关键词]  钢筋混凝土梁 抗震 受弯 受剪 可靠度 强剪弱弯

Reliability analysis of reinforced concrete beams designed based on current seismic code is presented. lnfluences of different ratio of load, materials strength and ratio of reinforcement on reliability index are studied. ln the further work, reliability analysis of stron-shear and weak-bend design is studied, the analysis results indicate that the reliability of strong-shear and weak-bend design is lower, itis needed to raise shearing factor in order to satisfy design requirement.Here, the Monte Carlo simulation is used for the reliability analysis.
Keywords: reinforced concrete beam; seismic; flexure; shear;  reliability; strong-shear; weak-bend



