您现在的位置:建筑结构>> 期 刊>> 2000年>> 第08期>>正文内容
彭安宁 钱力航
摘 要

     彭安宁   钱力航
    (中国建筑科学研究院 北京 100013)

[提要]  高层建筑基础一般属于深基础,施工难度很大,尤其是当场地地质条件和水文地质条件复杂时更是如此。规范主要对施工方面的几个重大问题作了规定。在介绍规范施工一章内容的同时,亦补充了一些国内外的有关资料和经验,使读者能够对深基础施工问题有较全面的认识。
[关键词]  深基础施工  降水 基坑开挖 基坑支护

As the foundation of high-rise building is embeded rather deep, it is very difficult for construction, especially when the geological condition and the hydrological factor are complex. Some important questions about foundation construction are provided by the code. All of these are the difiicult problems in the field of deep foundation construction. Some relevant information and experience at home and abroad are also introduced.
Keywords: deep foundation construction;groundwater lowering;  foundation pit excavation;  bracing



