您现在的位置:建筑结构>> 期 刊>> 2000年>> 第08期>>正文内容
梁建国 张望喜
摘 要

     梁建国  张望喜
    (湖南大学土木工程学院  长沙 410082)

[提要] 完成了七片高强页岩砖(抗压强度等级大于MU20)组合墙体的抗侧试验,研究了竖向压应力和混凝土柱纵向钢筋配筋率对抗侧承载力的影响,分析了墙体在侧向与竖向荷载共同作用下的破坏特征及变形性能。
[关键词]  组合墙体 抗侧承载力  试验研究 高强页岩砖

By the lateral load-bearing capacity tests on 7 composite-wall-specimens made of high-strength shale-farinosecoal bricks, R.C.beam and columns, the effect of the vertical stress and the lon~jtudinal steel rate of R.C.column on the lateral load-bearing capacity of composite walls is investigated, and the failure characterist/cs and deformation behavior of such walls have been analyzed.
Keywords: composite wall;lateral load-bearing capacity; experimental research; high-strength shale-farinosecoaI brick



