您现在的位置:建筑结构>> 期 刊>> 2000年>> 第08期>>正文内容
苑振芳 刘 斌
摘 要

     苑振芳    刘  斌
    (中国建筑东北设计研究院 沈阳 110006)

[提要]  在简要总结分析国内外砌体裂缝的性质和裂缝控制原则及措施的基础上,结合我国当前国情,有针对性地提出了砌体结构裂缝控制的具体构造措施建议,其中许多内容已经纳入国家标准《砌体结构设计规范》GB50003(征求意见稿)的有关章节。
[关键词] 砌体结构 裂缝控制 措施

Based on summarizing and analyzing the philosophy of cracking on masonry walls and the general criteria to contml or diminish the cracking wlule considering the situation of many masonry builclings with serious cracks on walls, which are more and more arousing a matter of utmost concern to the society, as specially as the real estate industry, the practical and effective structural detailing measures for preventing or minimu:ing the masonry wall cracking are presented, most of which has been part of the draft proposal for Code for Design of Masonry Structures ( GB50003).
Keywords: masonry structure, measures for controlling; diminishing cracking; masonry waUs



