您现在的位置:建筑结构>> 期 刊>> 2000年>> 第06期>>正文内容
包世华 易升创
摘 要

     包世华   易升创
    (清华大学土木系  北京 100084)

[提要]  用沿高度方向分段连续化的方法,对沿高度方向为阶形变截面、在平面内为任意斜向布置的框架-剪力墙-薄壁筒协同工作体系,考虑竖向荷载作用的影响,建立了弯扭耦连的振动方程,用常微分方程求解器COLSYS求解了自振频率及相应的振型。讨论了高层建筑结构竖向荷载对水平振动的影响。
[关键词]  高层建筑 框架 剪力墙  薄壁筒  弯扭耦连振动 竖向荷载  阶形变截面

Firstly, using the piecewise continuum technique for the structures, the coupled differential equations of horizontal vibration for the tall building frame-shear wall-thin walled cores skewly combined structures with stepped parameters and considering the effects of vertical loads have been derived. Secondly, using the Ordinary Differential Equation Solver, which is a program developed for solving various ODE problems including eigen value problems, the vibrational frequencies and vibrational modes have been obtained. The effects of vertical loads on horizontal vibration have been discussed.
Keywords: tall building; stepped section; vertical load;  flexural-torsional  coupled vibration



