您现在的位置:建筑结构>> 期 刊>> 2000年>> 第06期>>正文内容
张维斌 肖自强
摘 要

      张维斌  肖自强
     (机械工业部设计研究院  北京 100089)

[提要]  着重介绍了北京机械工业经营服务大厦结构设计中针对基础不均匀沉降的地基处理以及地下四层基础同时用作中水处理等设备用房,上部结构裙房采用大跨度钢筋混凝土密肋板,设备层用作结构转换层,屋顶悬挑桁架等问题的处理和相应采取的一些构造措施。
[关键词]  基础 不均匀沉降 地基处理 钢筋混凝土 密肋板 结构转换层 悬挑桁架 构造措施

The problems in design of the business service building of Beijing machinery industry are introduced. ln order to prevent differential settlement of the foundation, the bedding and the lower grade plain concrete pile are adopted. The equipment room (architectual reclaimed water apparatus etc.) located in the four storeyed basement, the superstructure and podium of the building used long span ribbed slab, the mechanical floor was used as the transfer story, the choice of the cantilever truss on the building top and other structural measures were taken in the design.
Keywords:  differential settlement; bedding subsoil strengthening; reinforced concrete ribbed slab; transfer story; cantilever truss, structural measures



