您现在的位置:建筑结构>> 期 刊>> 2000年>> 第05期>>正文内容
彭安宁 钱力航
摘 要

     彭安宁  钱力航
    (中国建筑科学研究院  北京 100013)

[提要]  介绍《高层建筑箱形与筏形基础技术规范> (JGJ6 - 99)的有关背景资料。规范第一章至第四章内容对于高层建筑基础方案的选择与确定是重要的,直接与基础工程的合理性、经济性和安全性密切相关。
[关键词]  高层建筑基础  箱形基础  筏形基础 地基勘察 地基承载力  沉降计算

The background of Technical Code for Tall Building Box Foundations and Raft Foundations is intro-duced in the First Lecture. Readers can briefly understand the developing of foundation engineering for high-rise building in china. The content of chapter l to chapter 4 are included. The soil investigation, bearing capacity and settlement analysis are discussed. They are very important for the selection of foundation plan and closely relating to economy and safety.
Keywords:  foundation; high-rise building; box foundation; raft foundation; soil investigation; bearing capacity; settlement analysis



