您现在的位置:建筑结构>> 期 刊>> 2000年>> 第04期>>正文内容
毛剑敏 李棣华
摘 要

     毛剑敏   李棣华

[提要]  1997年6月30日在香港会议展览中心新翼举行的香港主权移交仪式使造价为48亿港元的新翼成为举世瞩目的建设项目。此工程非同寻常的建筑形式和极其紧凑的建设计划,要求结构采用多方面的特殊处理方法。象征海鸟飞翔在水面上的雕塑般的屋面造型无疑是此工程最吸引人和最复杂的部分。跨越水道90m的多层中庭连接通道使新翼与原会展中心构成一体,别具一格。包括填海在内整个项目只用了3年便完成了。
[关键词]  大跨度结构 屋顶 桁架 风洞试验 钢屋架安装 桩基础

The extension to the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, costing 4.8 billions HK$, has captured the attention of the world when the official ceremony for handover of sovereignty to China takes place on June 30,1997. The unusual building design features and extremely tight programme of the development called for special technical treatment of many aspects of the structure. Inspired by the uplifting image of seabirds in flight over water, the highly sculpted roof was undoubtedly the most intriguing and intricate part of the project. The multi storey atrium link spanning 90m over the water channel and connecting to the exisiting centre constituted another distinctive feature. The entire project including reclamation was completed within an extraordingary short programme of 3 years.
Keywords:  large-span structure; roof truss; wind tunnel test; steelwork erection; piled foundation



