您现在的位置:建筑结构>> 期 刊>> 2000年>> 第03期>>正文内容
摘 要

  黄维平   (青岛海洋大学工程学院 266003)

[提要]  通过大量组合砌体墙片的静力试验,研究了竖向压应力和约束柱对组合墙刚度和强度的影响。试验结果表明,组合墙的侧弯刚度随竖向压应力的增大而增大,剪切刚度不受竖向压应力影响。竖向压应力对组合墙的承载能力有较大影响,竖向压应力增大则组合墙的抗剪强度提高。增大约束柱尺寸可以提高组合墙的抗裂强度,增大配筋率将提高组合墙的极限强度。
[关键词]  组合墙 竖向压应力 试验研究 抗弯刚度

The static test of some pieces of composite wall which consist of masonry and concrete restraining columns has been carried out to investigate the effects of gravity on stiffness and strength of combined
masonry structures. It is shown that the heavier the pressure acting on the wall is, the bigger the flexu-
ral stiffness of the wall is, but gravity do nothing for the shearing stiffness of the wall. The gravity has
a significant affect on the shearing strength of the wall, the shearing strengthen with the pressure acting on the wall raised. The cracking load of the composite wall can be enhanced by enlarging the area of the restraining columns and the ultimate load of composite wall can be enhanced by enlarging reinforcement ratio of the restraining columns.
Keywords:  composite wall; vertical compress stress; experiment investigation; bending stiffness



