您现在的位置:建筑结构>> 期 刊>> 2001年>> 第12期>>正文内容
刘承宗 陈建云
摘 要
    刘承宗        (上海美建钢结构有限公司  201103) 
    陈建云        (河海大学  南京 210098)

[提要]  基于大量门式轻型建筑结构试设计用钢量的统计数据和结构材料的市场价格、加工运输费用等成本消耗,建立了相关的数学模型,进而分析了在门式轻型建筑的结构设计中,不同强度等级的主次结构材料的相对经济性表现。分析表明:在不同的条件下,不同等级材料的经济性能表现会发生优与劣的转换。分析主要考虑实际工程的应用,对具体的结构设计具有指导意义。
[关键词]  门式轻型建筑  主结构  次结构  材料强度  经济性

The relative economic performance of steel of various kinds of strength grade for application in rigid framing design and secondary framing design of portal frame structure is analyzed. The results are based on the statistics of steel consumption in trial design of steel structures and the total cost, including market price of the material, manufacturing and transporting cost, etc. The analysis indicates that the economic performance of structural material is concerned with the condition of steel structure. This paper focuses on the practical application but a pure theoretical research, and the results will instruct our design of practical projects.
Keywords: portal frames;  rigid frame; secondary frame; material strength;  economic performance


