您现在的位置:建筑结构>> 期 刊>> 2001年>> 第12期>>正文内容
饶芝英 童根树
摘 要

    饶芝英    童根树
    (浙江大学土木系  杭州 300027)

[提要]  根据现行《钢结构设计规范》( GBJ17-88)对一边自由一边与其他板件相连的板件的宽厚比限值来校核由H型钢剖分的T形截面腹板的宽厚比,会发现很多截面都不满足要求,这使得H型钢的推广应用非常不利,与国外技术先进国家的实际应用也不一致。为此,对T形截面腹板的宽厚比从板件相互约束的角度进行了研究,提出了相应的宽厚比限值计算公式,供规范修订和工程应用时参考。
[关键词]  钢结构T形构件  局部稳定  高厚比

The width-thickness ratio of T-shaped section web, which is split by H-shaped section steel members, is checked based on the current code Specification  for steel structure ( GBJ17-88). The results show that many T-shaped sections cannot be satisfied with the regulation of local stability. This paper studies the width-thickness ratio of T-shaped section web concerned with the mutual restraint of slabs. The formula of limit of width-thickness ratio is presented, which can be referred to revise the specification and apply in design.
Keywords:  steel structure; T-shaped section member; local stability; width-thickness ratio



