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崔永高 阳吉宝
摘 要
    崔永高    (上海广厦(集团)有限公司  201100)
    阳吉宝    (上海市民防地基勘察院 200232)

[提要]  斜支撑是基坑围护体系的一种常见形式。通过实例介绍了一种采用坑底搅拌桩和树根桩复合结构作为基坑竖向斜支撑基础的具体做法,并提出了有关设计与施工的参数确定方法。
[关键词]  基坑  斜支撑  基础

Thc inclincd support is a common form of dccp cxcavation bracing structural systcm. Bascd on a casc, a dctailcd practical mcthod that compound of dccp mixcd-in-place pilcs and root pilcs in dccp cxcavation base arc uscd as the foundation of incline support ls prcscntcd, and the rncthod to dctcrmine some paramctcrs of dcsign and construction is also suggcstcd.
Keywords:  dccp cxcavation; inclincd support; foundation


