您现在的位置:建筑结构>> 期 刊>> 2001年>> 第10期>>正文内容
摘 要

        黄清猷   (武汉市建筑设计院 430014)

[提要]  依据箱(筏)基础变位及周边土的抗力分布计算公式,以基础埋深(矗)为目标函数,利用基底接触应力强度平衡条件,导出箱基埋深的计算公式。同时应用算例,揭示了箱基埋深取决于地震设防烈度(或风荷载强度)、地基土质条件以及建筑结构动力特性等因素的综合作用的结果。以往沿用以楼高(H)的某一分数值(如H/15)来确定箱基埋深的方法是失妥的且常偏不安全。
[关键词]  高层建筑  箱基  埋深计算

According to the deformation of the box/raft foundation and the calculating methods for distribution of soil stress around the foundation, taking the embedded depth (h) as target function and contacting stress of base as equilibrium condition, the calculation formula of embedded depth of box/raft foundation is derived.  The example reveals the embedded depth of the box/raft base is determined by seismic action, wind loads, soil condition and dynamic characteristic of the building structure. The research shows taking the fraction value of the building height as embedded depth of base is not proper and safe.
Keywords:  box/raft foundation; embedded depth; high building; calculation



