您现在的位置:建筑结构>> 期 刊>> 2001年>> 第05期>>正文内容
李少泉 方鄂华
摘 要
    李少泉    (厦门大学 361005)
    方鄂华    (清华大学  北京 100084)

[提要]  进行了无粘结预应力板墙框架的反复荷载试验,对无粘结预应力板墙框架的工作特性、无粘结预应力筋在水平荷载下的变化规律进行了分析。讨论了墙内配筋率与板墙框架强度和变形性能的关系,及其对板墙框架破坏机理的影响。
[关键词]  板墙框架  无粘结预应力  反复荷载  配筋率

Based on the experimental researches, the characteristic behavior of slab and wall frame with unbounded prestressing in the slab under low frequency cyclic loading have been studied. The effect of magnitude of reinforcement in the wall on the failure mechanism, the strength and the deformability, as well as the stress variation of the unbounded prestresslng are carefully investigated.
Keywords: slab and wall frame; unbounded prestressing; cyclic loading; magnitude of reinforcement


