您现在的位置:建筑结构>> 期 刊>> 2001年>> 第02期>>正文内容
刘承宗 张玉生
摘 要
    刘承宗       (上海美建钢结构有限公司  201103)
    张玉生       (铁道部第四勘察设计院  武汉 430063)

[提要]  详细论述了一复杂体型马铃薯储藏库主刚架的计算、分析与设计过程。该结构主刚架采用冷弯薄壁构件,按美国UBC规范进行荷载分析和组合;按许用应力法(ASD)设计冷弯薄壁构件;按摩擦型高强螺栓连接设计节点。且考虑了屋面活载不均匀效应、雪压堆积效应和水平地震作用的影响,荷载组合复杂。文中设计的冷弯薄壁型钢构件按我国规范GBJ18-87验算也是满足要求的。
[关键词]  轻钢结构  冷弯薄壁型钢  荷载组合

This papcr dctailcd the computation, analysis and dcsign of the rigid frame of a potato storagc. This storage has a complcx shape with two ridgcs, and the rigid frame is made of coldformcd stccl structural mcmbcrs. Hcrc, the analysis and combination of loads complicd with the rcquircmcnts of the 1997 cdition of Uni[orm Building Code, the cold-form mcmbcrs wcre dcsigncd by the mcthod of Allowable Stress Design,and the boltcd joints of rigid frame wcre dcsigncd as frictional conncction. The load combination is complcx with considcration of the cffcct of asymmctry distribution of live load, snow accumulation and horizontal scismic load. The cold-formcd mcmbcrs dcsigncd hcre mcct the rcquircmcnt of our country's code GBJ18-87。
    Keywords:  light-wcight stccl structurc; cold-formcd stccl structurc; load combination


