您现在的位置:建筑结构>> 期 刊>> 2012年>> 第05期>>正文内容
摘 要
(华东建筑设计研究院有限公司,上海 200002)
[摘要]开展了PHC-AB 400(80)型管桩在无轴压及1 300kN轴压作用下的抗剪承载力试验,分别得到了管桩在纯剪与压剪作用下的极限抗剪承载力,同时对管桩的剪切破坏形态有了更清晰的认识。针对管桩螺旋箍筋的受力特点,推导了箍筋的抗剪承载力计算表达式,得到了综合反映预应力管桩混凝土环形截面和螺旋箍筋对抗剪承载力贡献的管桩抗剪承载力计算公式。基于试验得到的极限承载力对多种计算公式进行了比较,验证了本文计算公式的合理性,该公式可用于预应力管桩、非预应力管桩的纯剪和压剪承载力计算。
Test and calculation method research on the shear capacity of PHC pipe piles
Wu Jiangbin, Lou Zhijun, Song Qingjun
(East China Architectural Design & Research Institute Co., Ltd., Shanghai 200002, China)
Abstract: Test on the shear capacity of PHC pipe piles under axial compressive 0, 1 300kN was carried out. The ultimate shear capacity of PHC-AB 400(80) pipe pile was obtained while the piles were in the state of pure shear and pressure shear, and the shear failure forms of piles were understood more clearly. The formula of shear capacity of spiral reinforcement was proposed, and a new method to calculate the shear capacity of PHC pipe piles was put forward,which reflected both the ring section of concrete and the mechanical characteristics of spiral reinforcement. Compared with other methods, the new method can fit better to the test values, which proves that the new method is reasonable. The new formula can be used to calculate the shear capacity of PHC pipe piles and non-prestressed pile, when the piles are in the state of pure shear or pressure shear.
Keywords: PHC pipe pile; shear capacity; calculation method
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