您现在的位置:建筑结构>> 期 刊>> 2012年>> 第05期>>正文内容
摘 要
(华东建筑设计研究院有限公司,上海 200002)
[关键词]超高层结构;抗震性能化设计;弹塑性时程分析;悬臂转换墙;型钢混凝土柱; 竖向变形差;锚杆
Key techniques for structural design of Nanchang Greenland Zifeng Tower
Ha Minqiang, Lu Daoyuan, Huang Liang, Ji Jun, Gong Weizhi, Li Min
(East China Architectural Design & Research Institute Co., Ltd., Shanghai 200002, China)
Abstract: Nanchang Greenland Zifeng Tower is a 268-meter-high building beyond B-level height. The structural system is frame-core tube reinforced concrete structure. In the upper portion, the west and east faces of the tower are recessed to form a concave folded surface. The floor framing in these areas is supported by transfer walls at the F41, F42, F43, which are cantilevered from the building core tube. Embedded steel shape is used in the core wall in the bottom strengthened zone and transfer zone. SRC columns are applied in the bottom. The performance-based seismic design principle and method were applied in the structure design. The integral structure under the frequently occurred earthquake was analyzed, the elastic dynamic time-procedure analysis, elastic analysis under medial earthquake and the elasto-plastic analysis under the rare earthquake-were also carried out. The study of cantilevered transfer walls was especially illuminated. Sky lobby on the ground floor, vertical deformation difference and the-foundation design were also introduced.
Keywords: super high-rise structure; performance-based seismic design; elasto-plastic analysis; cantilevered transfer wall; SRC column; vertical deformation difference; bolt
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